Freddie Yauner's Problems of Success
Our 2025 programme launches with Freddie Yauner’s Problems of Success, an exhibition exploring the complex relationship between human innovation and the looming threat of environmental destruction.
Problems of Success weaves together personal narrative, ecological commentary, and technological critique in works painted entirely with pollen-based paint. Pollen is a poignant medium, as pollen deposits in soil layers serve as a historical record documenting how diverse ecosystems like rainforests, grasslands and rural habitats are being converted into single-crop agricultural lands.
The exhibition takes place during Freddie’s annual Morris Quarter, a three-month homage to William Morris, where he immerses himself in Morris’ creative philosophies. This ritual, undertaken since 2020, explores Morris’ relevance in addressing current global challenges. Freddie will join us for a talk as Morris in mid-March—stay tuned!